Black Bears Caught Dancing In Florida Driveway
The Naples, Florida homeowners, Lou and Nancy Vinciguerra, said it’s not uncommon for them to see wildlife on their security cameras in the front of the homes.
Two frisky black bears are seen wrestling and pawing at each other as they dance around the couple’s driveway.
“I called it dancing, but I guess it’s how they play,” Lou said.
The couple says bears have visited their home in the past.
“Bears, bobcats, wild boar, and plain old deer. But usually, they are just passing through. Only the bears are entertaining!” Lou said.
Lou has often posted videos of the animals he sees on his security camera. A bear can be seen in the middle of the road eating food out of a bag while standing in the middle of the road.
“Guess he was taking home a snack and decided to leave it behind!”