The man convicted of killing the first female New York City police officer in the line of duty was released from prison earlier this month, inciting outrage from a local law enforcement union.

Darryl Jeter was convicted of second-degree murder in the shooting death of New York City police officer Irma “Fran” Lozada, 25, with her own gun on Sept. 21, 1984. At the time Lozada died, she was the first female police officer in New York City to be killed in the line of duty.

“Police Officer Lozada’s sacrifice was a testament to the courage she shared with all New York City police officers, regardless of gender, race or creed,” Patrick J. Lynch, president of the NYC Police Benevolent Association, said Sunday. “The release of her killer is a blow to every cop who puts her life on the line to stop criminals from preying on innocent New Yorkers. We continue to urge Governor Hochul and the State Legislature to fix our broken parole system before another hero’s sacrifice is dishonored.”

A member of the NYC Transit Police Department, Lozada was assigned to Transit District 33 in Brooklyn. She was working in plainclothes when she and her partner witnessed Jeter rip a chain from the neck of a passenger at the Wilson Avenue stop of the L subway line.

Lozado and her partner were separated during the chase and Lozada caught up with Jeter alone and a struggle ensued. She was shot twice in the head with her own service weapon. Her body was found hours later in the tall weeds and garbage in a vacant lot.

Jeter was sentenced to 32.5 years to life at a time before the existence of legislation that made life without parole a top sentencing option for those convicted of killing law enforcement officers.

According to the NYC Police Benevolent Association, records from the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision show Jeter only served 36 years of his sentence before he was granted parole release earlier this month.

He’s the 23rd to kill a police officer and be released by the Parole Board in under two years, the union said.